
No, I didn't win a big bunch of $$$ on MegaMillions, but the last time I went to the thrift store I was only able to find one sportscoat. Well today was the day when I can get my senior citizen discount, and as I was coming home from a doctor appt, thought I might drop by to check again!

I'll add some pictures soon, but it was a wonderful wool safari! I spent about $80.00, and found 3 knitted wool pieces that will felt beautifully for some other types of upcycled treasures at my Green Market booth... In addition to that, two men's sport coats, a beautiful woman's blazer, a cranberry wool jacket that was very full through the body ~ almost like a cape, a Pendleton jacket, and even more...

I'm going to take before and after photos of several of the pieces, so you can see the difference after felting. Didn't get that done, will try to be sure to take pictures as I deconstruct a felted jacket. I wash the items in hot water with detergent, rinse in cold water, and then dry it in hot dryer. Works like a charm. That way I know I won't be bringing any wool moth eggs into my hooking wool either. :)

My favorite find of the day, was a long knit jacket that was with the robes. It was a huge expanse of wool and even at $6.99 it would have gone home with me. But with 30% off I only had to pay a little more than $4.00 for literally a couple of yards of wool.  It has a nice plaid knitted into it in a couple of shades of gray.

It's still hot here in Houston, but I'll be checking in pretty often to see if you've left any questions. Please post a comment. Hope we'll be chatting about YOUR projects sometime soon. I don't want to post an email address or ask you to, as spammers might glom onto it. But maybe I can figure out a way for your rugs to be featured to! Jo

For the second week in a row, I'm wool rich, but have now used my thrift shop budget for the next few months! I found two beaded dresses. This is my best source for fancy beads especially the round larger than seed beads I like to use for eyes in dolls and as embellishment in cross stitch or ornies.

3 wonderful wool sweaters, a Pendletown coat, and many summer linen pieces. I like to use the same washing hot wash, cold rinse, hot dry to shrink and stabilize it. Clean, safe for others to use, and makes nice backings or in some cases the actual fabric for stitching on. :)