10 minutes a day Rug Hooking Challenge

http://redjackrugs.blogspot.com/  Is a link to one of my new favorite blogs to read. April is a member of the Hooking Circle I've just joined. Actually got to see her working on her Scare Jack. It is an awesome rug, and one of my next rugs will definitely include some fancy yarn to add a dimensional sparkle.

She also has a 10 minutes a day Rug Hooking Challenge going on, and if you look on the right side of the blog you can find out how to join.


Do we have anyone hooking out there? I'm adding a picture of my Kats Sampler, the pattern was designed and drawn by Kelley Belfast. She has set up a selling blog, and will someday soon be listing fabulous hand dyed wool.


If you'd like her to draw up a pattern for you, ask her for the Blest B Sampler. She did mine on primitive linen, which is wonderful to hook on. Got it a couple of years ago, so don't remember the price. sorry! This piece includes some proddy petals. My friend Louise showed me how to do it, and it sure made the kat look 100 per cent more like the cat who I was hooking. Added some to the tail that were just long cut pieces of wool.

Blest B Sampler pattern by Kelley BelfastBlest B Sampler pattern by Kelley Belfast